Once again, I’ve partnered up with my awesome Weekend Warriors to tell you all about how we do Open House.

I’m sure some of you don’t do Open House at your school…or it is schedule for the beginning of the school year or maybe your school calls it something else.
That’s cool..
Just pin these ideas and be sure to check your Pinterest boards when you need these awesome ideas.
Easy Peasy!
My school doesn’t do an “Open House”.
Instead we have something called Celebrations of Learning.
It’s so much fun.
From 10:00-11:00 a.m. parents come to the classroom.
In my classroom, the students are in charge of showing off all they know about the classroom and their schools.
Days before our Celebration of Learning the kiddos and I talk about what we want to share with our family.
Each student finds their favorite book.
Each student finds their very best work they’ve done in Kindergarten so far.
Each student finds their most favorite center activity.
For this day, I don’t allow students to choose the dramatic play area to show off to their parents unless there is time at the end of our day.
Once students have a firm understanding of expectations, I pass out their individual menus.
Here’s what they look like:

I actually have the “favorite things” options changed for each student so that there aren’t 10 kids all trying to do the same thing at the same time.
I’ve used this method for the past three years and it’s worked really well for the students.
The expectations are clear and it’s all student centered!
After they show off their favorite things, students sit with their families and draw a picture of what they like best about school.
When our time is up, students give their books to their families as a keepsake.
Because this activity is student centered, I was able to travel around the room and capture some sweet moments between my students and their families. I wish I could share those with you…just know it was adorable!
I love that your event is during the day, and that students get to show off their knowledge of their classroom and school. I'll bet they are very proud when that day rolls around!
Primarily Speaking
What a fun spin on Open House! Love that it's mid-day!!
☘ Molly
Lucky to Be in First
What a neat idea to get parents involved. I think this is SUPER! I'm sure it is a day they all look forward to! You've got a great system for organizing all of it.
Creative Lesson Cafe