Well Hello There!

Hi dear friends!

I’ve been gone for a minute.  I got caught up in the craziness of back to school, life and wedding planning.

Life threw us a curve ball…
and things right now are a little bit more difficult.  BUT…
They are things I can’t control…I have to keep positive and hope that things will turn around…

In the meantime, if y’all could send positive thoughts our way..it would be greatly (and much needed) appreciated!

We are in our 3rd week of school and I must say…I just love these kiddos.
Of course, I love every group of kids every year…but this year…some of these little ones grabbed me by the heart at day one.

My school adopted the Fundations program this year and I am really enjoying it.  Sure there are quite a few things I need to get used to but for the most part…it has been so much fun! The kids are engaged and really enjoy “Echo” the owl.  Even though it is a somewhat scripted program, you still have room to make it your own.

I’ve been observing my kiddos and taking lots of informal assessments… and I think next week I’ll be ready to start some small group work with them.  I don’t want to jump into anything too heavy, but I do want to find out more information, so I can start to implement some of the strategies and suggestions from Jan Richardson’s book.

I know I keep promising you a copy of my Kinder Pacing Guide…and then not delivering.  Well, I finally got around to making all necessary changes and uploading it for you.  I only have the guide completed up until December break but I’ll add more as time goes on.  I left out the curriculum for writing because my team had yet to develop and agree upon a sequence for teaching Lucy Calkins.  I will be adding in that sequence as soon as possible.  Click here to get page one of the Kindergarten Pacing Guide.

Hope you all have a great week!!
