I know it’s supposed to go against all blogging rules to post twice in one day…
But I had to do it…and you’ll love that I did.
I finally finished my May Morning Work!
I can’t believe it’s already May. It’s a double edged sword for me this year.
May means my birthday!….But I’m turning…the dirty 30!
I don’t know why it bothers me so much…but I want to stay in the land of my 20’s!
I think there has been so much change for me this year (engagement, wedding planning, leaving home, winter weather, new school, etc.) that the last thing I want is to move into a new age bracket.
Did anyone else go through this? Am I just being a big baby? I’m sure my 30’s will be fantastic…I’m just really holding on to 29.
So here’s the morning work.

Since it’s the end of the year…I really used this month as a review.
Here’s what you’ll find inside:
The activities get progressively harder so as to challenge the academic needs of all students. With 22 pages full of activities this packet will be a great addition to your morning routine.
May’s Morning Work features:
Skip counting review
Memorial Day
Mother’s Day
Cinco de mayo
Life cycle of a frog
Life cycle of a ladybug
I added an extra page for this month. Once you download you’ll notice the last two pages feature a kindergarten and first grade page.
I hope you are following me on Facebook…because that’s where the link is for your FREE download of the entire packet! If you haven’t “liked” me yet…there’s a link over here to the right —->
Thank you for the amazing freebie! I haven't bought any of your morning work packs, but I might get hooked after seeing this one!
Kari 🙂
Just found your darling blog. Thanks so much for the freebie. Your morning work packet looks awesome!!