Hello dear reader..
Sorry for being MIA I needed a little me time.
And boy did I get it!
Of course I spent last week in my classroom…I made some serious head way and I am hoping, praying, and wishing that this week I will be completely finished with my room.
I still need to finish my Word Wall….make a math word wall…science word wall..laminate…ask about 3 billion questions. SO MUCH TO DO. I made a To o list to help me get things done…here’s what that looks like.

It’ll all get done?
So stress doesn’t work well with me…I usually handle it by eating or shopping. NOT HEALTHY! I know it’s bad. But it works. So I chose the lesser of the evils and went shopping.
I will admit I am, a shopaholic. I love clothes, shoes, makeup, school supplies, cookware, dog toys…all of it! BUT to ease the pain of spending, I am also a bargain shopper. I find coupons, groupons, emails whatever it takes to get the best deal. I rarely purchase anything at full price. It makes my heart happy to get a deal…All that being said I shopped like cray cray at The Gap this weekend. I had a coupon for 40% off my first item plus an additional 30% off any items after! Whatttt!? That’s crazy good! Here’s what I got!

Well…I didn’t want to leave Mr. Roboto out of some pretty sweet deals so I bought him…

I think I’ll wear the dress with tights, a belt and some cute leopard flats I just bought for the first day of school!

oooooooh yea! I bought it real fast! How awesome is this shirt!? It’s like it was made just for me! I’m a Texas girl forever!
You’ve got about 2 more hours to enter in the big 100 followers giveaway! GO GO GO!