Hello Dear Reader…
So sorry I haven’t posted in a while. Unpacking a new home and a new classroom takes up tons of time…and energy.
I got to see my new classroom on Wednesday and here are some pics.

I inherited the room from a teacher who retired so she left TONS of goodies that I can definitely use this school year. So exciting!
I planned on doing a Rainbow theme for my room this year based off of the Rainbow Collection from School Girl Style. But…I am full of so much nervous energy about starting the school year I can’t even begin to think about a theme. I’ve got lots to reorganize and set up…slowly but surely.
The pictures don’t do the room justice. The room is HUGE! There is so much space. As I’m planning out the layout of the room I think I might have enough space so that each center can be its very own center. No more doubling the Writing Center for the Math Center! So excited! All that excitement led me to making my very own Center Signs. These are Rainbow themed (and may very well be the only Rainbow theme I can get into my room this year) but I’m sure it’ll work for any classroom. I tried to stay away from calling every center a center and instead came up with some very creative titles (in my own humble opinion).
So…like with every product I make, these are yours for free! They will be free until midnight(EST) tonight! Sorry so short but I’d like to add them into my stores for these upcoming sales. So hurry up and get your download on!
It’s too big to preview via Google Docs so here’s a preview:

I will be having a Sale-O-Rama! Both my Teacher’s Notebook and Teachers Pay Teachers store items will be on sale. Both at 20% off! That’s a mega deal. MEGA! Click below to head over to my TpT sale starting August 12.

Your room is amazing; So much room, wow! The cubby section is really neat too. Enjoy decorating!
Whoa! Very cool!
I mailed your package earlier this week…hope it makes it to you okay!
A Pirates Life for Us