If you are not from Texas than it is probably very difficult for you to get a solid understanding of what it means to be hot.
I got into my car today and the temperature read 110º. 110º!
It is so hot here. But I digress.
I got home to find a package at my door. It is the prize I had one from Mrs. Miner’s major give away. You can read about it here.
The package included three books by Debbie Clement and six of her CDs. So excited to check them out. And Debbie was extra sweet…she personalized each book just for me! Awesome! You can visit her site here.
Second bit of excitement came when I checked my email. There in my inbox was an email from my new mentor teacher at my new school in Bedford. She emailed me and the other new kinder teacher that was recently hired. I got so excited to make contact with someone! I’m looking forward to teaching in a new environment and with new people!
Did I mention that I have never seen the school or met ANYONE from the campus? I applied online and had some major drama with my resume and a certain government agency (more on that another time). Anyway…They contacted me and asked me to send in a video of me teaching a lesson. Then, I did an interview over the phone and had to wait to hear back. I got the news that I got the job during my spring break and was ECSTATIC!
-Sidebar-I was looking for a job in Bedford because my boyfriend (who will be known as Mr. Roboto) got a job in Cambridge. I’m moving for love!
Anywho! I hope you have had a great day too! I’m going to listen to some Debbie Clement Cds asap and let you know how awesome they are!
Hi Bera
AWWW congrats! I love your story and your excitement. YOu will have to tell us how it all goes. :o)
Traditions, Laughter and Happily Ever After
Congrats on your job!
I gave you the One Lovely Blog Award…. Stop by to get it!