I know it’s been awhile since I’ve done a Diversity Matters post, but I wanted to be sure to start out new year right!
This posts features books all about winter. I don’t know about you, but winter is my LEAST favorite season. I hate the cold, the snow, and the ice! It’s terrible. But there’s nothing like a great book to make those winter blues melt right away!
If you have questions on how to take advantage of these (and many other books) wonderful books during the entire school year, please email me at vera@thetututeacher.com…we can chat!
This post contains affiliate links for your shopping convenience. I earn a small amount each time someone makes a purchase through one of my links, which allows me to continue to buy more books for my kiddos!
Little Red Gliding Hood by Tara Lazar
This book is so fun. It’s a great play on the traditional tale. Little Red decides to enter an ice skating competition because she really wants to win the prize, a new pair of skates. But she needs a little help in order to be number one! I would definitely recommend this tale to classrooms K-5. Extra bonus, this book is available through Scholastic Reading Club, so you can buy it with your points (only 80!!)!
THIS BOOK IS MAGICAL! It’s about how we are all connected, how we need to take the time to make connections with people we don’t know. Such a much needed book for any classroom!
The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats
I’m pretty sure you have a copy of this book in your classroom. And if you don’t, go get it now. I’ll wait…
Ezra Jack Keats was an amazing author and illustrator. He was so talented at bringing a story, setting, and characters not typically seen in children’s books to life. He tells stories in such a wonderfully simple way, which makes it easy for children to relate to his stories. I LOVE Snowy Day. If you’re looking for more in depth ways to integrate this book into your classroom, please check out my blog post here.
A Poem for Peter by Andrea Davis Pinkney
This book is everything. It’s such a beautiful tribute to Ezra Jack Keats and Peter. I just can’t say enough about how great this book is. I think if you were to integrate it into your early childhood classroom, you’d need to be sure to scaffold a lot of the history of Ezra Jack Keats, WWII, and Civil Rights. There are a lot of issues discussed in this book but in such a beautiful way. The beautiful imagery of snow is woven throughout…oh I could go on and on. Even if you don’t use this in your room, this is a book you just NEED to purchase for yourself!
The First Day of Winter by Denise Fleming
This is such a fun story to read, especially right after the holidays. The story is told in the same manner as the song “Twelve Days of Christmas”. The story presents different materials for the friends to use to build a snow…person together. Your students will truly enjoy this book as will you!
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