Teacher’s Night Out

When I started blogging and creating products for TpT, there were a lot of things I never expected would happen to me.  I never thought I would be cutting and pasting ©Vera Ahiyya to the bottom of every work page I created.  I never thought I would be turning one of the bedrooms in my house into an office so that I commit myself to this second “job” (only in quotations because it doesn’t feel like a job!)  However, the one thing I truly NEVER expected was to connect with other bloggers and TpTers out there and have those connections transform into life-long friendships!

How did these relationships take off?  Well, it started with some innocent stalking on Instagram.  You know that moment… you’re scrolling through their photos and you can’t stop tallying the things you have in common or the amount of times you’ve laughed out loud at their hashtags?  So you make the bold move to follow them.  Then, what do you know?  They follow you back and start liking your photos too!  Those likes slowly morph into some humorous comments, and you feel like a Kindergartener on their first day of school- “I made a friend!”
So how do you turn a virtual friend into life-long friend?  Well, with a BLOGGER MEET UP of course!!!  My first blogger meet up was a wonderful experience, although I was very nervous.  I even tried to talk myself out of going, and my husband had to push me out the door.  If you’re anything like me,  push yourself to go and meet new people and GO!  You will be so happy you did, and you’ll meet some awesome people… perhaps a life-long friend!

In an effort to give more Bloggers and TpTers this experience, a few of my blogging besties and I have arranged a New England Teacher’s Night Out.  It’s going to be EPIC and let me tell you why:

First of all, it’s a NIGHT OUT, so you can leave those cardigans at home!  In addition to a great evening of fun, we have also been working closely with some of your favorite clip artists and TpT authors, as well as some awesome Educational Companies!  Let’s take a closer look at their super generous contributions shall we?

Nikki from Melonheadz Illustrating has created an adorable CUSTOM clip art set for her New England fans.  She has graciously made these available to everyone who attends our Teacher’s Night Out Meet Up!  If she is not the definition of incredible, I don’t know who is!

Kimberly Geswein of KG Fonts has kindly donated a giveaway item!  One lucky winner will score a bundle of her beautiful frames and papers!  If you are familiar with Kimberly’s work, you know how amazing she is!  Her fonts, her clip art and her generosity make her one of the top people I’m looking forward to meeting in Vegas this summer!
Heidi Songs is offering these beauties!  We love her educational songs and so do our students!  We are incredibly grateful to her for her generous donation, and we can’t wait to give this DVD set away to one of our Meet Up friends!
Do you love GoNoodle?  Silly question!  We all do!  Well the masters of brain breaks for the classroom have donated a super cute (goody filled) tote bag for every person attending our meet-up!  Woohoo!
Sheila Jane of Sheila Jane Teaching is not only one of the most talented people I know, she is also one of the most generous!  For every teacher attending our Meet Up, she is donating a 30-day FREE Teach Happy Membership!  She is so very inspiring, and we are so happy to be spreading her positivity with this Meet Up!

Jen Lium from Teaching In the Tongass is joining the party!  One lucky winner will be going home with a $100 (yes $100!!!) Gift Card to her TpT Store!  I could spend all day looking through her products, but to get $100 worth for FREE would be amazing!  Thank you Jen for your huge heart and generosity!  We love you!
We have been fortunate enough to partner with Educents and Teachers Pay Teachers for this Meet Up as well!  For many of us, these Educational Companies are what inspired us to start carving out our little corner of the internet.  We are so grateful for everything that they do for teachers!  Therefore, it couldn’t be more fitting that we have them represented in our glorious giveaways!  We are pleased to announce that Educents will be donating some Goodie Bag “SWAG!”
Our sweet friends over at Teachers Pay Teachers have generously offered 3 awesome Gift Cards for 3 lucky winners! If you sign up for the Meet Up by tonight, you will automatically be entered to win one of these TpT Gift Cards, so click {HERE} to sign up!
We hope to see as many of you New England Bloggers and TpTers as possible!  It’s going to be an EPIC evening and you could very well meet friends that will last a life time!  


  1. Jillian Starr
    May 17, 2015 / 7:32 pm

    I am so happy I went to that first meet up and met you! TBFFs for life! ?

  2. Unknown
    May 17, 2015 / 9:11 pm

    Please take lots of Instagram pics for me since I can't make it! 🙂

  3. Giggles at Greene
    May 29, 2015 / 10:49 pm

    I cannot wait!!! One more week!!!

  4. Justin03
    September 22, 2015 / 8:23 am

    Teacher's Night Out! This is brilliant. I am also a Phoenix preschool teacher and would love to have the opportunity for the Teacher's Night Out event. How exciting it would be!!