Weekend Warriors: November Necessities

Hello y’all!
I know many of you don’t have to go back to school next week! You are so lucky…
We go until Wednesday…but have an early release that day and I can’t wait!
I love Thanksgiving…
The food, time with family, fall weather….and the food….really make the holiday special…
but I think I really love Thanksgiving because it provides a much needed (and earned) break!
So in the sprit of thankfulness and giving…this post is all about what I need to get through the day!

1.  Coffee
I can’t live…if living is without you…
I live on coffee.
First, it’s delicious…creamy, sugary deliciousness.
Second, it really keeps my energy up.  And by midday…with 21 five year olds…my energy is gone.
I love coffee so much I own two Keurigs!
One for the house and one for school.
It’s an addiction.

2. My students
I know.
I know but really…
I do love these kids.
They exhaust me and make me want to simultaneously scream and cry but…
they give great hugs…and sing silly songs…and will dance with you in the middle of a lesson…and randomly come up to you and ask you if you farted.

3.  Clothes, shoes, and bags
I have a serious problem with shopping.
I can’t not buy things that are adorable.
There’s something wrong with my synapses because if I see a cute dress my brain says “do it” and then it’s in my hands and I’m buying it.
Really…I don’t give purchases too much thought.
But I love clothes and shoes and bags.
I’m not sure that counts as a necessity but I find it necessary to look as adorable as possible at all times.
Follow me on Instagram where you can check out my fashion obsessions.

4. My husband
I did not know I was going to grow up and be a girl who loves being in love and loves being married and having a husband and spending time cuddling but..
here we are.
I do love that man even though he drives me crazy.

5.  Sleep.
Seriously, I cannot operate on anything under 7 hours of sleep.
I’m like a giant baby.
I go to bed each night around 9 or 9:30. It’s kind of sad but I just like to sleep.
Sleeping’s my favorite.

Check back tomorrow to see those items I just can’t live without in my classroom!!
And check out the other Weekend Warriors necessities!


1 Comment

  1. Schroeder Shenanigans in 2nd
    November 22, 2014 / 7:51 pm

    I NEEEED bags, too! 🙂 🙂 Love your cute post, girl 🙂

    Schroeder Shenanigans in 2nd