What’s your weight issue?


Don’t worry I’m not trying to find out what you weigh…
Just how you teach weight in your classroom.
I do a lot more weight and measurement in the beginning of school with apples and pumpkins…
Then I measure the kids height three different times in the school year…
But I realize that I neglected to have a consistent weight activity at my math centers.
I know Measurement and Data is a skill throughout most grade levels using the Common Core.  I wanted something that the kids could do without my help…but still gather a strong concept of weight mostly the idea of lighter or heavier.  I also wanted my kids to start making educated guesses about weight.  
SO…last weekend I created these Weight Task Cards to use at my Measurement and Data center.  
The kiddos and I had a conversation about the balance.  Many kiddos mentioned that they have seen a balance in the grocery store…but never had used one themselves.  They were so excited to get a chance to weigh things on their own.  
Here are few pics of my kids in action.

The kids had so much fun. 
I’m so happy with these task cards.  I can’t wait to create more.  


  1. Unknown
    April 13, 2014 / 12:38 am

    Oh Vera, I have missed your posts. Great photos and a super reminder of 'hands on'.
    Have a lovely weekend.
    Julie 🙂
    Mrs Stowe's Kinder Cottage

  2. Jasmine
    April 13, 2014 / 2:59 am

    Aww man I missed it! But the task cards look great!

    Buzzing With Mrs. McClain

  3. Cassie Thompson
    April 13, 2014 / 5:57 am

    These look great! 🙂 Awesome idea!
    Happy Teaching,
    Adventures in Teaching (A First Grade Blog)
    My TpT Store
    Follow me on Facebook!

  4. Deirdre
    April 18, 2014 / 7:47 pm

    These look great Vera!!
    A Burst of First