oh boy 4th grade just released March’s Currently. I can’t believe it’s March already…
Listening: You better be sure this Texas girl has her heat turned way up in the winter. I usually keep it around 73. My husband hates how warm the house is…I can’t stand being cold. I love it when the heat kicks on.
Loving: OOOHHH! I bought some wonderful goodies during the sale. I spent about $50 which was good…because I told myself no more than $75. I’m proud of myself for staying in budget. I bought some awesome clip art that I can’t wait to use.
Thinking: I’ve got about 4 errands to run today and I’m actually excited to do them all. Target, Staples, Trader Joes and Michaels. I love me some Trader Joes! They have the best frozen green beans and maple sugar cookies.
Wanting: This winter sucks. It’s been super cold and snowy and I’m over it. There’s a snow storm moving in Sunday night…which could mean another snow day on Monday. Currently, it’s 7 degrees outside. I can’t wait for Vegas…(are you going to Vegas for the TpT conference?)
Needing: Why isn’t the day made of more hours. I spent 3 out of the 5 school days in meetings that lasted till 7 or longer last week. I have no time to take care of anything. Time just flies by…and I’m not sure I have the opportunity to enjoy all the special moments…sigh
?????: You get to guess what the question is. I’ve given you my answer. The first person to guess correctly will win my Morning Work for the month of March!
I'm right there with you needing more hours in the day! I'm guessing that your question is people who make you happy 🙂
Fun in Room 4B
I'm SOOOO right there with you about the more hours in a day. I honestly wish I could add at least 4!!! I never can fit it all in!
Schroeder Shenanigans in 2nd
You're from Texas? Whereabouts? I'm from the DFW area but am currently living in Daejeon, South Korea teaching English to blind kiddos. I miss Texas. Even the crazy Texas weather. I'm ready for the winter to end over here too. It is quite different from Texas in that it has stayed cold the whole time. Boo.
I bought a lot of new clip art too, and I am loving it!
Btw…my guess to your question is things that you love.
Southern Fried Teachin’
People you are grateful to have in your life?
BTW – I love your design and your blog name! It makes the dance mom in me smile.
Funky First Grade Fun
Vera – things you love! I have that same exact heather/no heater debate at my house! Can't wait for Vegas, my friend! And make sure to pick up some Cookie butter when you're at TJ – incredible!
Lucky to Be in First
My guess is that your question is people that keep you sane! 🙂
I feel ya on the meetings- it is getting a little ridiculous. I thought I had a meeting Wednesday and ended up not having it and it's a little crazy how relieved I felt just to have some time to work in my room. Hang in there girl!
Mrs. Thompson
Adventures in Teaching (A First Grade Blog)
My TpT Store
I can so relate to the winter ending and more hours in the day! Someone already said my guess on your question (people you're grateful for) so I'll guess something wild: Who are the people you would share your happiest news? Ok, it's a wild guess, but why not! I do like your idea of offering something to your correct guesser!
Sally from Elementary Matters
I am ready for winter to be over. I live in NC and the cold seems to come back after a few warm days. I am so ready for allergy season and some heat 🙂
Can't wait to see what clip art you bought.
My Second Sense
Oh you all are so close! Think March..and St. Patrick's Day…
I think your question is…Who are the people you are thankful for? I have never been to Trader Joes….but I heard it is fantastic! Some of my teacher friends go on trips to Kansas City and bring back boxes of goodies! Ha!
Mind Sparks
I do agree and believe that everyone wants winter to end now. I know it is currently snowing here and I am just tired of this white stuff! I was wondering if you could please check out my new teacher exchange website LIFTPackages.blogspot.com. It is a teacher exchange program in which you meet teachers and send care packages to each other. Please feel free to check out the website, sign up and pass our name along to friends!