Hi Y’all
Did everyone else have a wacky week? OMG the kids were bananas.
I kept taking deep breaths and making sure they had plenty of opportunities to get their crazy out.
I love Halloween! The kids were so cute in their costumes. I went as the Bride of Frankenstein.

I love tutus! So comfortable and adorable!
I linked up with Farley’s Currently for the month of November.

Listening: The Good Wife! I can’t stop watching this show. It’s so interesting. We got rid of cable and I love that I can watch season after season of shows that I like.
Loving: Yesterday and today we have had unusually warm weather. It’s 63 degrees today and sunny!
Thinking: About my To Do list. I’ve got about 30,235 things to do. I make lists and section them off based on categories. Wedding, Life, School, TpT…I’m about to lose my mind with To Do’s. And if I have to look at and decided between another pair of white heels…I swear I’m going to scream. Only 36 more days to go!
Wanting: Sleep….sleep. glorious sleep.
Needing: A few days off. I just need a 4 day weekend to get everything done on my to do list. Maybe a 5 day weekend…6 days would do it for sure.
A yummy pin:

I used to make this yummy rosemary bread regularly. I make small batches and give them to friends/family for Christmas. Here’s the link http://www.ahintofhoney.com/2011/04/rosemary-olive-oil-bread/
Have a great weekend!
Love the tutu!!
I could go for another fall break. No long weekends on the horizon until Thanksgiving and we know that that weekend doesn't hold a lot of time to get stuff done.
You Might Be a First Grader….
LOVE your costume, so cute!
I also love that you are so happy with 63 degrees!! I live in Texas and we get excited over 63 degrees as COLD weather 🙂
Elementary My Dear
Your costume is so cute! I am totally with you on the crazy week! My partner and I were in disbelief that Tuesday was not in fact Friday…lol
Short and Sassy Teacher
I am in need of more sleep and a few days off too! Wishful thinking. 🙂
The Teaching Twosome