Sooo turns out the whole grant writing thing has to be put on pause..
I have to get approval from someone in the IT department before I send the grant to the committee…and I have to have it approved 10 days before I submit my proposal. And the deadline for submission is….this Sunday. So…looks like I have to wait.
Which is fine because I won’t be rushed to write my proposal…I can take my time and do some research.
Thank you for all your help …
Now…I need you for something else.
I’m very interested in learning more about these “Brag Tags” I’ve been reading about in Blogland. I’ve even seen a few teachers create their very own personalized tags. That’s pretty awesome.
Here’s the Brag Tag site.
Now, I understand what Brag Tags are…but what I’m interested in knowing is…what’s your management system like? Where do you store the necklaces? Do your kids wear them all day? Do they ever get to take them home? Do you use the Brag Tags AND a clip system? Do other teachers on your campus use the Tags too? I want to know all the details.
Comment below and let’s talk it out.
Here’s the Bargain of the Day:

Hi Vera! The extra time to write your grant will be great! 🙂
I wanted to let you know that I blogged about the this management tool over at my blog! Hopefully it answers some questions 🙂
♡ Lori
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