I went crazy.
I worked really hard on bundling my Morning Work (click here) that I rewarded myself with a trip to Michaels…
As you may know from previous posts, I LOVE Michaels and I always buy something when I go.
It’s my happy place.
So I had seen some pics on Instagram (Click here) of those Scentos markers. I’ve seen them a couple of times and been like..
“Two dollars for a marker? Ain’t nobody got time for dat.”
But Michaels had them on sale for 50 cents! 50 cents!
I went crazy.
My Michaels had the regular makers, dry erase markers, pens, and much more all on sale.
I went crazy.
Here’s what I got.

Here’s when it gets bad…

Then there were these…

“What are those weird looking things?” you ask. They are paint dabbers. And they were on sale…and by sale I mean almost free. These things were 1 CENT!! A PENNY! Are you kidding me?! A PENNY!! I bought all that the had…which was only 9 but…OMG A PENNY!
Then I splurged a little…I pulled out the big bucks…

These were 1.99. They are little erasers. There are flip flops, crabs, and fish inside. I also bought one with monkeys, lions and crocodiles. I thought I could use these little erasers to make a packet. Here it is:

I can’t wait to use it with my summer school kiddos! I’ll work on a Safari version soon. If you would like your very own copy head on over to my Facebook page..It’s under the Fan Freebie tab.
Oh and get yourself over to Michaels RIGHT NOW!!
Now you are definitely the person I need to shop with!
Lucky buys…fun times ahead.
Julie 🙂
Mrs Stowe's Kinder Cottage