
There’s a lot to celebrate.

I’m at 50 followers! 
My blog hasn’t even been up for a full month now. Thanks guys!
To celebrate, I will give away my latest unit, Eat your Veggies, to the first 5 people who can answer any ONE of the following questions. That’s right, pick a question and leave your answer and email in the comment section.

1. I live in Austin, but I’m not from here. What Texas town did I grow up in? 
2. Although I plan on doing a rainbow theme in my classroom this year, I have one color that is my absolute favorite. What color is it? 
3. Name the blog that I was featured on as a guest blogger. 
4. Although I am an American citizen, I was born in a different country. What country was I born in? 
5. What is my boyfriend’s name (nickname)? 

 OK good luck!

 So I didn’t make yesterday a double post day because…
I went to Target and found one thing!
I was angry. The Target I always go to had very little out in the dollar section.
I was angry. I spent all day looking at blogs of beautiful bounties of wonderfulness that teachers had found at their local Target stores. I was so excited as I entered my Target only to see NADA, NOTHING, ZIP! I think out of the 20+ bins they have in the dollar section, maybe 5 were filled with new things. ARGH! However, I was able to find something…some pocket charts.

They are super cute and will fit in with my rainbow theme…so I can’t complain too much. I vowed to return on Wednesday and find more.
Cut to Wednesday.
It’s Wednesday and I head to Target. Now they had totally filled up their dollar spot and there was plenty to choose from. They had some awesome bins to help with organization and lots of Dr. Seuss stuff. But, none of it really said “BUY ME”. So I didn’t. Sad I know. I’m surprised at my self really. So I headed back home.
As I pulled into my driveway I see a large box outside my door. Excitement and glee quickly runs through me…

I notice that the box says Thirty One on the side…WHAT? My order wasn’t due until tomorrow! So happy. I ordered my bag from Laura Starnes at Kinder Kraziness. You can go here and check out her blog plus order a bag from her.



  1. Lisa R.
    July 11, 2012 / 10:38 pm

    Boyfriend's nickname: Mr. Roboto!

    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  2. The Tutu Teacher
    July 11, 2012 / 10:40 pm

    Yay! Lisa you got it! I'll send you an email soon.
    Only 4 questions left!

  3. Heather
    July 11, 2012 / 10:50 pm

    You were a guest blogger on "Castles and Crayons."

    Heather (heathernnance[at]yahoo.com)

  4. The Tutu Teacher
    July 11, 2012 / 10:55 pm

    You're right Heather! I'll send you an email soon.
    Only 3 questions left!

  5. Heidi
    July 12, 2012 / 12:54 am

    Is your favorite color purple by any chance?

    My (Not So) Elementary Life

  6. The Tutu Teacher
    July 12, 2012 / 6:17 am

    Yay Heidi! I love purple! You're copy of Eat your Veggies is on its way!
    Only 2 questions left.

  7. Laura V. ~ A Grace-Filled Classroom
    July 13, 2012 / 12:34 am

    Hi Vera. I am your newest follower. I read your whole blog… all 22 posts. Yup. Not because I am a crazy blog stalker but because I wanted to find the answers to your questions. Guess what… all the questions that have been taken… I know the answers too. The ones that are still left… ummm… you haven't really talked about yet.

    So here is a guess. I think you were born in Mexico. Please don't be offended. I am just making an educated guess based on the fact that you like tortillas, green chiles and other Mexican type food. (Referring to the post about you freaking out that they might not have ingredients you like out it Bedford.) And Texas does border Mexico.

    In case I win, my email is mrslauravuong[at]gmail.com

  8. Laura V. ~ A Grace-Filled Classroom
    July 13, 2012 / 12:35 am

    Also, I left a comment on Castles and Crayons. I would love to receive the email with the behavior chart calendars. Thanks.

  9. The Tutu Teacher
    July 13, 2012 / 12:40 am

    Hi Laura! Thanks for following. I wasn't born in Mexico…but I did grow up mighty close to Mexico. (hint for question #1) I was born in a country in Europe. (hint for question #4)

  10. Laura V. ~ A Grace-Filled Classroom
    July 14, 2012 / 6:57 pm

    Ummm…. El Paso is close to the Mexican border. How many guesses do I get?

    As for a European country. I will pick England, because I love London.

  11. The Tutu Teacher
    July 14, 2012 / 10:28 pm

    Hey Laura! You guessed correctly. I'm from the west Texas town of El Paso!
    I wasn't born in England but I love London too! It's in my top 5 cities list. I'm sending you your unit now!

  12. Andrea
    July 16, 2012 / 12:07 pm

    I found you through Mrs. Castro's class's giveaway and am your newest follower.

    Our Target gets so picked over since it is the only one in our area. I think I may have missed the Dr. Seuss stuff. 🙁

    Good luck in Bedford! I work in Bedford County, VA, so I was quite intrigued. I moved from Louisiana during middle school, so I am a transplant here. I can't ever go back!

    Stop by and visit my blog!
    Reading Toward the Stars

  13. Charlotte
    July 16, 2012 / 6:49 pm

    Totally off topic! Sorry 🙂 I really loved your calendars from your guest post on Castles and Crayons…is it too late to get you to e-mail those to me? They would be perfect for me to use this year! Thanks so much!