More Giveaways

Eek! Only 6 more days of summer school left for me…Time is just flying by.
Tomorrow my classroom will be all packed up…ready for another teacher to touch lives.

I am so sad about leaving my 2nd many memories in that classroom, in that school…

In not so sad news…here are three four five giveaways

1.  Go here and enter to win.  This teacher started her blog almost two years ago and is at 1,000 followers.
I’m currently at zero (insert sad face) but can’t wait until I too have 1,000 followers!

2.  Here is another.  She’s giving away those Scentos markers I’ve been hearing great things about!

3.  This one is from two teachers from Texas (best state EVER).   It ends in 4 days so get on it!

4.  This giveaway is all about writing! I don’t know about you, but my darlings LOVE to write.

5.  This giveaway is from a blogger who only started in April and now has 100 followers! Awesome.  Go here to try your luck.

Good Luck everyone!



  1. Unknown
    June 21, 2012 / 1:19 am

    First Follower! Yay!!
    First Grade Blue SKies

    • The Tutu Teacher
      June 21, 2012 / 1:23 am

      Thank you! Made my night!

  2. 2 Crazy Texas Teachers
    June 21, 2012 / 4:28 am

    We are #2!
    Thanks for checking us out!